All those emotions she has been locking up is starting to boil over and I feel like we’re going to reach the absolute breaking point for her. Over these last few episode we have seen Ruby slowly start to become more snapish to the group, show more emotional outbursts, and in the case of this scene become harsher on herself. Oh don’t mind me, just enjoying a much needed callout. “You know you don’t give yourself enough credit.” Ruby is starting to show her weariness of the situation to Maria who was out there to get away from all the yelling. Ruby is obviously not handling everything but still trying to keep it together throws the scroll in frustration. Ruby attempts to call Qrow, and probably being drunk off his ass and not giving a fuck he doesn’t answer. If you answered that blank with anyone from team RWBY, JNR, or Qrow, congrats they are all correct. “_ is valid in their feelings of helplessness of the situation, especially considering everything that has happened so far, but has absolutely no right to treat Ozpin/Oscar terribly for it.” The group goes back and explains everything about Ozpin and Salem off screen, and because I’ve already fucking talked about this shit in my last review I am going to simplify my feelings on the matter quickly: I think I speak for most when I say I’m eagerly waiting for everyone’s, more specifically Ruby, to reach a breaking point with Qrow and his drinking problem. (Problem is I worry how the promise will be unintentionally broken though.) Qrow deciding that he has had more than enough of this shit walks off to find a bar, with Ruby trying and failing to get him to stop, and get his shit together, and work together for a different plan. Which is something I can greatly love because how easy would it have been to just send Weiss with the relic back to Atlas and her family? Fuck that noise Ruby ain’t havin it. Ruby being the best sweet girl she is reminds Weiss of her promise she made in episode one. And sets up the nice punch we get later but I digress. I will also add I love this scene, it feels like it harkens back to the shows lighter tone it had back it had in volume 1 and 2, which considering the amount of heavy stuff in some of these episodes is a greatly appreciated. And I will say after all the constant criticism of “show don’t tell” we have had in regards to the Faunas discrimination plot line, I’m glad the crew is now constantly reinforcing this fact with small moments like this. Caroline allows her racism to shine thought and slams the door on their faces when the Weiss reacts in kind to it. Though I do like the small note she made about the entire world ready to quote “Put a knife to our throats,” making me very interested in how the regular population of Atlas is handling things at this time. Ruby attempts to reason with the gremlin woman who is just 100% no having it. Maria lives up to her title of the Grimm Reaper as she just outright murders Caroline several times over. We meet Caroline, (When will Winter return from war? I’m begging you here RT,) and her only goal seems to be to protect the border for the glory of Arstotzka er….Atlas. Maria mentions that she has the misfortune of knowing who the commanding officer is, and more or less kinda sets up the fact that the group probably is going anywhere anytime soon. Qrow attempts to use Weiss as a bargaining chip to get them to Atlas, much to Weiss’s slight discomfort. We start with the gang dealing with the most interesting duo of border security agents who I wish would lend me some of their enthusiasm and work ethic. Luckily for me the discourse is more of a back burner in this case. Slightly shorter episode episode but yay….more discourse. Tumblr get your shit together I swear to god.